Kingdom Collection
The Bible compels us to “Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven”. Painting images of heaven is so satisfying as they offer hope and anticipation to those who see them. Heaven is a place absent of disease and heartache, a haven of serenity, and a place of wonder where we are promised we will spend an eternity with loved ones and our Heavenly Father.
In the “The Blessed Hope” we see Jesus coming with splendor in the clouds of light, surrounded by His angels, and being met with sheer joy by those who have anticipated this moment.
I think of heaven as a wonderland for children. Jesus holds them lovingly on His lap as a child buries his hand into the mane of a lion in “The Lion and the Lamb” or they explore the sea side together in “The Lord God Made Them All”. We see Jesus with His hands outstretched in “The Invitation” as He invites all to join Him in the earth made new. Probably one of my favorites in this category is “Ever Interceding” where we see Jesus praying over our world - praying that we will accept the gift of life He alone can offer and we will be with Him forever.
The Lion and the Lamb
The Blessed Hope
The Lord God Made Them All