Black & White

The black and white pencil drawing is the foundation of most of my paintings. They allow me to plan out the composition, arrange patterns of light and dark and refinine details before committing to the color canvas. Black and white studies have a beauty of their own which I sometimes prefer over the full color version. 

Lincoln Reading Sketch

Lincoln Reading Sketch

Lincoln Praying Sketch

Lincoln Praying Sketch

Pencil Portrait of William WilberforceEditorial Illustration for Christianity Today

Pencil Portrait of William Wilberforce

Editorial Illustration for Christianity Today

The Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda Sketch

The Paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda Sketch

Chief of the Medical Staff Sketch

Chief of the Medical Staff Sketch

Kirkland Sketch

Kirkland Sketch

At the Feet of Jesus Sketch

At the Feet of Jesus Sketch